Mastering Program

SHM Leadership Academy has partnered with three top universities to help alumni further their careers with an advanced degree. Benefits include fast-tracked applications, tuition discounts, and even course credit.

Carnegie Mellon University
Master of Medical Management

Through SHM’s partnership with CMU, your attendance at SHM’s Leadership Academy Strategic Essentials and Influential Management courses qualifies as a pre-requisite course requirement for CMU’s Master of Medical Management Program.

Thomas Jefferson University
College of Population Health

Through SHM’s partnership with Jefferson College of Population Health, your attendance at any two SHM Leadership Academy courses earns you three credit hours towards a Master of Science in Healthcare Quality & Safety, Health Policy, Population Health, or Applied Health Economics & Outcomes Research. You will also receive a 15% discount on tuition.

Indiana University
Kelley School of Business, Physician MBA

Through SHM’s partnership with Kelley School of Business, your attendance at any two SHM Leadership Academy courses earns you a scholarship in an amount equal to 10% of tuition toward the Business of Medicine Physician MBA Program. Also, two of the three letters of recommendation required for the program application will be waived.

Want to Become a Mastering
Program Partner?

Partner with SHM Leadership Academy to help alumni further their career
with an advanced degree and benefits including fast-tracked applications,
tuition discounts, and even course credit.

For more information, please contact Jennifer Sanchez,
Director of Marketing, Sales, and Development at:

[email protected]

Partner With Us

There are opportunities for your organization to set up an exhibition and/or engage in partnership programs.

Register Today

Register for your 2024 Leadership Academy courses today, and join us in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA!